Roel Notten new Ombudsperson Students
August 24, Roel Notten (43) started as Ombudsperson Students. It is a new position shared with Utrecht University (UU).
As a student, do you have a problem, dilemma or conflict that arose during your studies? And has the help and mediation by, for example, your program or Education and Student Affairs not led to a satisfactory result? Then you can contact the Ombudsperson Students. The Ombudsperson Students is an independent party who offers impartial advice, mediation, or referral within the help structure of the TU/e. The Ombudsperson Students is thus a second-line facility.
About Roel Notten
Roel is familiar with students and education. For example, in addition to his new role at TU/e and UU, he is also Education Manager at the School-vAK (School voor Antroposofische Kinderopvang | Onderwijsassistenten Vrijeschool).
Before that he was, among other things, active as Board Secretary in primary education and Secretary Student Participation and Complaints Officer at ROC Midden Nederland. In his spare time he gained years of experience as a neighborhood mediator in his hometown Utrecht. Roel is married and father of four children.
How to contact Roel
Roel works for the TU/e for 0.1 fte. He is present on campus every two weeks on Thursdays. He can be reached via +31 6 39 58 68 47 and r.notten@.