Exchange programs for studying abroad

We think it is important that you have gained an international experience period abroad. The main goal of the TU/e Graduate School is that every student that graduates with a master's degree has an international experience. This international experience can be obtained by doing a mobility period at one of the partner universities abroad, conducting an internship at a company, institute or university abroad or by doing (part of a) research or graduation project outside the Netherlands.

You are interested in studying or doing an internship abroad? That is a great opportunity to get in touch with other languages and cultures. Studying or working abroad gives you the experience of other cultures, so you will learn to work and live in a international environment. And of course you will meet new people from all over the world!

Online consultation meeting

For questions, additional information or specific questions about (external) scholarships, visa and insurances, please contact the International Office of your department or Petri van de Vorst, International Office ESA. You can schedule an online appointment.

More information

Want to know more? Contact Petri van de Vorst at +31 40 - 247 4312 or via the contact form below.  



Normaal gesproken is er wekelijks een inloopspreekuur, waar je terecht kunt met vragen om extra informatie of specifieke vragen over visa en verzekeringen. Vanwege de coronamaatregelen vervalt het spreekuur.

Neem voor vragen contact op met International Office van jouw faculteit of met Petri van de Vorst, International Office ESA. Je kunt ook een online afspraak inplannen.