As a student of this Bachelor College you get plenty of scope to compose your own study on the basis of your interests and ambitions. Do you want to go deeper in a specific subject or would you rather explore the breadth by combining different subjects? It's up to you!
Plenty of scope to compose your own study
Core program
The core program is the largest part of your bachelor's program. It provides a solid foundation for your master's program. The core program consists of 125 credits, including the Bachelor End Project.
Elective space
During your studies, you will receive a lot of elective space. 25% of your study time will be spent on courses of your own choosing, within or outside of your department. This allows you to develop your own profile as an engineer. The elective space comprises 45 EC.
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As an engineer, it is important to be aware of the impact technology has on people and society. During your bachelor's program, you will therefore follow an Impact of Technology program (ITEC).
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Professional & Personal Development
We believe it is important that you develop your own professional identity during your studies. You do this by acquiring academic knowledge and course-specific skills, but also by developing self- and social awareness. To help you do this, you will follow a Professional & Personal Development (P&PD) course during your studies.
Multidisciplinary CBL
In the Multidisciplinary CBL course for second-year Bachelor students, you will work in teams composed of students from different majors, collaborating across disciplinary boundaries. The course offers various projects on different topics, each addressing an open challenge in Engineering Design or Scientific Inquiry.
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Started your studies in 2022/2023 or before? This is important for you.
The Bachelor College curriculum is being adjusted. All students starting their bachelor’s program at TU/e after September 1, 2023, will follow the new curriculum. The degree to which the curriculum will change will vary by program. In some programs, a lot will change; in other programs, the changes will be smaller.
If you started your bachelor’s program before September 1, 2023, you will continue your program according to the current curriculum. If you are or will be delayed in your studies, a transitional arrangement will usually apply.
You can find the complete transitional arrangement here:
- Transitional arrangements PER 2023/2024
- Explanatory notes transitional arrangements PER 2023/2024
- Transitional arrangements for basic courses 2023/2024
References to PER articles may still change.
Do you have questions about the new curriculum or the transitional arrangement? See if your question is in the FAQ. We are always adding to the FAQ, so check back regularly for updates.
Binnen de opleidingen van het Bachelor College heb je veel ruimte om zelf je studie samen te stellen op basis van je interesses en ambities. Wil je je in één vakgebied specialiseren? Of combineer je liever verschillende vakgebieden om je zo breed mogelijk te ontwikkelen? De keuze is aan jou.
These parts of your studies will be changed in the new curriculum
Basic courses
In the new Bachelor College curriculum, the topics of the basic courses are integrated in the core program. This affects the basic courses in the current curriculum.
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USE learning trajactory
USE stands for User, Society and Entrepreneurial perspective, a kind of package of subjects that looks at engineering from a user, society or entrepreneur perspective.
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Coherent packages
This page states all elective packages in an alphabetical order.
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Professional skills
Each student goes through five skill lines, the interpretation of which varies by program.
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When choosing courses and packages, you will receive coaching from a teacher from your major. You will also have a student mentor who will help you with practical matters.
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