We think it is important that you can give your opinion and think along with us about your studies and TU/e. This can be done in various ways:
- Talk to your teacher about things that could be done differently or better.
- Through course evaluations, first-year, curriculum and alumni surveys. We conduct these to monitor the quality of our education. With your feedback, we can make improvements.
- Via the various participatory bodies of the TU/e: the University Council (UR), the Department Council (FR), the Program Committee and the Joint Program Committee (JPC). You can find more information about these in the student statute.
- The student advisory body (SAO), with one student representative per program and (currently) four international students from various programs.
- In the National Student Survey (NSE) you can give your opinion on all aspects of education and facilities at TU/e.
- Do you have a personal complaint or objection? Then visit Complaints and disputes.