Privacy & Security Awareness Week: Fight Together Against Cybercrime!

September 16, 2024
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From October 7th to 10th, our campus will be dedicated to Privacy & Security Awareness Week, with the theme: "Fight Together Against Cybercrime."

Both staff and students are welcome to join us during this exciting week filled with fun and interesting activities:

  •  Spectacular privacy illusion shows by illusionist Jochem Nooyen, which will make you question if you need a firewall for your mind;
  • Engaging lectures by well-known experts like Daniël Verlaan and others, on how to protect yourself and the TU/e from cybercrime;
  • thrilling privacy & security escape room, where you and your team try to outsmart a hacker.

All activities are free to visit, but spots for the lectures and shows are limited. Don’t forget to register to secure your place! For more information and registration, please visit our intranet page.

Join us and help raise privacy and security awareness within the TU/e community.