Your digital diploma awaits

Graduating soon?

June 25, 2024

Within the next few months, many TU/e students will have their hard-earned diplomas in hand. But did you know that your diploma details will also be available online?

Once your educational institution reports your graduation to the Dutch Education Executive Agency (DUO), a free digital extract of your diploma will be accessible in Mijn diploma’s.

Your digital diploma awaits

Why does this matter?

This extract is an official digital proof of your diploma. A digital extract from Mijn diploma’s holds the same value as a paper diploma. You can use the extract when applying for jobs or enrolling in further education programs. This digital version can also be extremely useful in case of loss or theft of the original document. Knowing about this now can save you time and stress in the future.

Logging into Mijn diploma’s

You can view your diploma details by logging into Mijn DUO. For this, you need a DigiD. Once logged in, you can download an extract with your diploma details. This extract is an official document and valid proof of your achievements. It has a certificate of authenticity, proving that the document is original and issued by DUO. Note: use the digital extract only digitally; printing it invalidates the document.

Further studies?

Educational institutions can access the data in Mijn diploma’s to immediately determine if you have the right prerequisites for your new program. If the institution still requests proof of your diploma, you can email an extract from Mijn diploma’s.