

The skill to give an (oral) presentation. The effectiveness of the presentation is determined by the extent to which the transmitter of the information has impact on the receiver of the information. The presenter must create a good balance between speaking and critical listening (by means of audience awareness) and between the three elements ‘logos’ (power of the arguments: contents), ‘ethos’ (credibility of the presenter) and ‘pathos’ (appeal to the emotions of the public). In addition also the nonverbal communication skills like personal presentation and body language play an important role. Students need to be trained in various forms of presentations, such as pitches, poster presentations, and research presentations.

Learning outcomes PTRV21 - under construction

Focus on presentation to inform peers and supervisors (such presentations are academic in content and demonstrate knowledge about the relevant theories and developments in the domain).

  • Student is able to give an individual presentation to inform peers and supervisors.

Learning outcomes PRV22 - under construction

Focus on individual presentation to convince experts (such presentations are academic in content and demonstrate theoretical knowledge about the domain by using relevant arguments).

  • Student is able to give an individual presentation to convince experts.

Learning outcomes PRV23 - under construction

Focus on a research presentation (such presentations are academic in content and demonstrate theoretical underpinning and original research, and report on research that relates to the domain)

  •  During the presentation, students is able to: 
    • Describe his/her study in a concise and convincing way
    • Demonstrate the theoretical underpinning of their research.
    • Defense his/her thesis.