Wellbeing budget

Bring up your idea to improve student wellbeing

As part of the TU/e’s efforts to support student wellbeing, we find it important to empower and enable students to come up with new ideas and initiatives to support their peers and community. Students often know best what they need to feel and be well, and we are excited to be able to facilitate their ideas. As such, we have opened up the bottom up wellbeing budget that students and community members of the TU/e can apply for.

Via submitting the form below, you are able to apply for part of the budget, which totals 60k per calendar year. The deadline for submitting applications is April 1st.


To be considered all applications need to be aligned with the following criteria:

  • Impact on wellbeing: To what extend does this proposal impact student wellbeing? Which dimension(s) does it target? What is the effect?
  • Target audience: What group of students are targeted? Is it an overarching and diverse group? (Note: proposals addressing diverse and interdisciplinary groups will be favored).
  • Sustainable impact: How long lasting and sustainable is the impact of this proposal? We will favor proposals with more sustainable impact. If a one-off event is organized, we would like to see how follow ups are going to be included.
  • Diversity/Interdisciplinarity of organizing group and target audience: We will favor proposals that are organized from an interdisciplinary group of students. Of course associations or students from one department can apply, however we want to encourage across-university collaboration and initiatives that extend our association culture. It is also possible to collaborate between students and staff members.
  • Evidence of needs of students: What are the needs of students behind this proposal? Is there evidence for these needs? We will favor proposals that are needs-based.

Exclusion criteria

  • We will not accept proposals for parties. Events that include a party or a borrel at the end are okay.
  • We will not fund alcohol, even at borrels.

Examples of possible initiatives

  • Organizing workshops for students on specific topics
  • Organizing a mini conference about wellbeing for all students
  • The start up funding for a wellbeing related student-team or project group

If you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to Charlie Raiser.

Proposal form

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)
Personal Information
Proposal Questions