Working while studying

Working during your studies can help you cover some of your costs and also give you some work experience. However, it can be challenging to find a job as an international student in the Netherlands. Most notably there is the language barrier. Want to know more about maximum working hours and other important information? Please go to the TU/e website

Also, if you are looking for a job, please take note of the following issues. 

Work permit

If you are from the EU/EEA or Switzerland you are free to work without restrictions. You do not need a work permit and there are no restrictions regarding working hours, other than the restrictions and rules stipulated by Dutch law in the Working Hours Act (ATW).

If you are not from the EU/EEA or Switzerland, there are some restrictions if you want to work alongside your studies. Your employer has to provide you with a personal work permit. You can only work if you have this specific work permit and can either work for a maximum of 16 hours a week during the year, or fulltime during the months of June, July and August.

If you want to work in the Netherlands you need a Burger Service Number (BSN). You receive this number a few weeks after your registration at the city hall. 

If you have a scholarship you are strongly discouraged from getting a job. If so, you’ll have to pay taxes and it may also affect your scholarship. Furthermore, having a job reduces your opportunity to concentrate on your studies and may influence your grades and thus your scholarship. 


If you have a job, you’re obliged to take out a regular basic Dutch healthcare insurance. You need to change your AON student insurance (if you have that) to a basic Dutch health insurance and you will need to take out a separate liability insurance. 

Job opportunities

TU/e has a very small number of student assistant positions. As an international student you can also apply for these positions. You may hear this by word of mouth or via Euflex Employment Services. 

There are a number of commercial job agencies that help students who do not speak Dutch to find a job. 

Via Study in Holland you can find more information about working in the Netherlands. 

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