Register for the Master courses and projects of Q1

How to compose your Master program?

  • To compose your master’s program, you have to take 3 steps which are described in the Master's education guide.
  • Step 3 is about adding extra challenges in the form of a double track, honors program or certificates. For the complete list, click here. Please note that if you want to follow a double track, you should discuss this with your mentor AND a mentor from the second track you wish to follow as soon as possible, so that your plan can be approved before you finish the first quartile of your Master's at the latest.

How to register for a Master course?

  1. Check your courses in the curriculum of your program in the Education Guide of ABP or CME.
  2. Use Osiris to register for your courses of the quarter you are going to start your program in, before the registration closing date (which can be found here).
  3. Check if you meet the course requirements, these can be found in the course description on Osiris. Notice that some courses have a maximum of participants.
  4. If you register for MSc courses when your (re-)enrollment for the MSc program has not been completed (meaning: your tuition fee has not been paid by you and processed by ESA), you will not be registered automatically for the tests and examinations:
  5. Make sure to register for the tests and examinations after your enrollment is finalized, but before the registration closing date.
  6. As a Master student, you are NOT automatically registered for retakes (resit); you should register yourself.
  7. You should always receive a confirmation of your registration by e-mail. No e-mail = no registration. If you haven’t received this e-mail, please contact the ESA helpdesk via your student e-mail.

Please note:

For the AUDE M1 and M2 projects and the seminars you have to specify a first, second and third preference. For the graduation projects you must specify a first and second preference.

  • Seminar groups are composed based on preferences and the ‘first come, first serve’ principle.
  • M1 and M2 students are placed on a waiting list. After closure of the enrollment period the groups are composed based on preferences.
  • Graduation students are also placed on a waiting list. After closure of the enrollment period the groups are composed based on a motivation letter, to be submitted via Canvas.

For an overview of the AUDE Master projects, check the AUDE brochure in the Master's education guide. Brochures are made per semester, and are updated each academic year.