Challenge-Based Learning (CBL)

In Challenge-Based Learning (CBL), groups of 5 to 8 students work on solving realistic problems. They do this in project groups and follow mostly the ‘Seven design phases approach’.

We are altering our Design Based Learning courses one by one to CBLs which have a more open character. The outcome and the way that the project question is executed is not fixed. The students have more freedom in using different options to design and test their products. In some CBLs, students also collaborate with external stakeholders.

In CBL, You will apply knowledge from previous (theoretical) courses and learn to collaborate in multidisciplinary teams. By doing so, you will not only develop (new) disciplinary knowledge, but also improve on your professional and personal skills. Technical skills training is also a part of the CBL. During these projects, students work on transforming their ideas to a protype in our PROTO/zone – a workspace where you can build, test and present your models.

In your groupmeetings, you analyze the problem with the group, formulate subtasks and individually report what you discovered when you studied the literature and the other learning materials. The time spent on each CBL project is around 140 hours in 8 weeks. Group meetings of one hour are held once or twice a week per quartile. The rest of the time is spent on completing self-study assignments, working independently on the project.Sometimes also in the PROTO/Zone together with your group members. Each group is supervised by a tutor, who monitors the progress of the group process and gives feedback. The tutor is a master student who has experience with CBL courses. Depending on the year in which you started the ME Bachelor program, you will participate in at least 6 mandatory CBL courses. Specific CBL course information can be found in the Canvas course page.

What is CBL?

Our dean Bachelor College, students and Brainport Development explain the benefits of Challenge-Based Learning in education for society and our region.

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More information

Want to know more? Contact the CBL coordinator via the contact form below.
