
Requests for exemptions BSc Data Science / MSc Data Science and Entrepreneurship

You can apply for a course exemption if you have successfully completed a comparable course in another Bachelor’s or Master’s program. A request for such exemption must be submitted via the request form to the Examination Board for the joint degree Bachelor’s program Data Science and the Master’s program Data Science and Entrepreneurship of the Eindhoven University of Technology and Tilburg University (email to Examination Committee JADS). Included in this request you must also provide sufficient evidence, such as;

  • the results of the course(s) from which the exemption is being sought (transcript of records),
  • course description of the passed course(s), including a list of the studied literature.

In our assessment, consideration will be made to the relevance of the subject involved and the time elapsed between the previous test and the current study.

Please be also referred to the Program and Examination Regulations 2018/2019 for the Bachelors’ program (inter alia article 3.11) and the Teaching and Examination Regulations 2018/2019 for the Master’s program (inter alia article 3.15) for the specific conditions and requirements on exemption requests.