Demo day

At the end of their projects every semester, both bachelor and master Industrial Design students present their work in an exhibition like setting: the demo day. All bachelor students show their work developed during their projects. As well as a formative assessment moment, this demo day is public and provides a perfect opportunity for you to share your ideas with various experts and professionals.

Your work is presented in an exhibition like setting, with attention to detail and showing that you are able to present yourself as a professional (future) industrial designer. The demo day provides the opportunity to demonstrate your (interactive) demonstrator(s), supported by a pitch and visuals (e.g. poster and video). It is a formative assessment moment in which you receive feedback from your examiner(s), and is part of your competence assessment (obligatory) giving feedback on your overall competence of designing and presentation.

To create a coherent feel throughout the entire demo day, all students will be provided with unified materials to present their demos. 

For external guests who cannot make it to the physical Demo Day and as a references tool for all projects, we also maintain an online Demo Day Platform. You will be informed how to upload your deliverables. 

Further details regarding the time, date and location of the Demo Day will be communicated closer to the date. For more information, please check the Year planning on the Forms and Files page.


The demo day exhibition set-up, including all demonstrators/perceivable project models, has to be ready on the Wednesday before the demo day (Friday). Project coaches and examiners have the opportunity to visit the projects on Thursday; so make sure that the content you present is clear and communicates your story/progress.

During the Demo Day (Friday), all students present their work in a location in Atlas. The time slot(s), floor plan and further instructions will be communicated closer to the date.

Intellectual Property (IP) and Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) during the Demo Day

Do you have an inventive idea and do you think that you might be able to protect it with a patent? Then do not present the part that might be protected during the demo day. Check the pages on IP and NDA for more information.