When to apply for an ethical review?

As soon as possible after the definition of the project; to do so the Benefits (for the project), Burden (for the user), Risks and Limitations of the project will need to be clear. See also separate document on this. Generally speaking, it is good to make these considerations in the early phases of a project.

You can read more information about the further procedure and process on the ethical review intranet page.

What happens when you do not have minimal risk and have applied for an ethical review?

Based on the completed ERB form, there is made a decision on the level of risk. When there is more than minimal risk, the ethics committee will review the ERB form application. This process takes approximately three weeks before receiving an approval or denial.

In case of a high risk (level 3) the content of the ERB form is discussed with the Ethical Review Board. This process can take even longer. The decisions are documented in a letter to the coach/mentor.

You can find the members of the Ethical Review Board on the ethical review intranet page. You can also read more about this in the separate document.

If the decision is not reached within the given timeframe, can I proceed?


Can you complete one ERB form that fits with your whole project (make it flexible)?

Yes, if that is possible.

How to deal with audio-recordings? Are they within minimal risk?

Please first check the How to work with audio recordings document.
Yes, audio-recordings that are transcribed soon after the interviews have taken place and not saved as research data can be considered to be within minimal risk. The transcripts then can be saved as research data, but the recordings should be deleted as soon as possible. Other strategies (such as note taking) are always preferable and safer, so discuss with your coach if audio-recordings are necessary.

How does the ERB form and ethical review process match with the design (research) process?

Design (research) processes have to align with ethical procedures.

What can you do within your design (research) process while awaiting the ethical review?

You can discuss this with your coach/mentor, see if it is possible to bring the risk of the project down to minimal risk. If you need further input you can contact id.erb@tue.nl

What happens when the review is negative? Is there an option for a retake? Is advice given on this in the letter?

Typically, concrete and manageable recommendations for improvements are made. You have to hand in the new ERB form with your changes/improvements. There is no guarantee of approval though, the timeframe might differ, based on the risk.

Is there a way to get your products tested (instead of CE Certified), to make the ERB form easier?

The Ethical Review Board does not require that research prototypes created at the TU/e, require a CE certification to be used in research studies. CE certification is a route only viable for industrial products. For products, made at the TU/e at the Department of Industrial Design, to be used in interaction with people and/or providing possible safety risks (voltage/temperature/…) a sanity check by the \d.search lab is necessary. You can contact them via D.search.id@tue.nl 

In the case that you as a student work in a project with an external party (e.g. company, school), and other rules apply there; what rules do you as a student need to uphold?

You as a student need to uphold to the rules of both the university as the external party. The ERB is only concerned with upholding TU/e academic ethical standards.

What is consent and are there consent forms?

Please find more information on consent (forms) on the privacy and security intranet page.

At what age are children/ youngsters able to give consent themselves? Or are they not allowed to?

Children can give informed consent as from 16 years of age. For younger children, consent from their parents/guardians is always necessary. As children grow older it is also good practice to ask their own consent as well. This is depending also on the nature of the project.

When I want to interview someone in my direct surrounding, is a consent form necessary?


I have a question about the ERB form, who can I ask?

You can discuss this with your coach/mentor. If you need further input you can contact ID.ERB@tue.nl.