

For Psychology and Technology students it is obligatory to choose at least one technical package of 15 ects in addition to the (technical and other) major courses. This is a requirement that follows from the Education and Examination Regulations, to guarantee the technical level of the bachelor program as a whole. The technical package is preferably chosen in the direction of the technical specialisation of the student (PT-ICT, PT-Living resp PT-Robotics).

Deepening Elective Packages for P&T-Living

The following elective packages are recommended. In case of planning issues you may want to look for an alternative. Please check the download BPT-Living for guidelines.

  • Building Physics - Building and Environment
  • Building Physics - Building, Climate and Systems
  • Building Physics - The Science of Sound and Music
  • Liberation of Light (10 ec technical, add another technical course)
  • Smart Mobility (10 ec technical, add another technical course)
  • Urban Systems & Real Estate 1
  • Urban Systems & Real Estate 2

If you want to know more about the content of electives package above please click here

Broadening packages

Apart from the deepening elective packages you are free to select broadening packages and free electives. In principle all packages not listed as deepening packages are broadening. Check out the planapp or a-z-elective packages.

Please take a close look at the timeslot and the prior knowledge to be sure that this course is suitable for you.