
Predicates that may go with your diploma, such as 'cum laude' are described in the Examination regulations (see Regulations in the menu on the left-hand side).

Predicats Bachelor diploma

Article 6.5 Special qualifications for Bachelor's programs

1.The Examinations Committee may award the classification “cum laude” if the student achieves an average grade of 8 or higher for all the study components, and the Bachelor graduation project is graded with 9 or higher. In addition, none of the study components may have a grade lower than a 6. In addition, the student must finished the final exam within 48 months of the commendement of the study program. The Examination Committee may deviate from this latter requirement in special cases.

Predicates Master program

Article 6.4 Special qualifications for the Master’s program

1. The Examination Committee may award the classification “cum laude” to certificates of students who started their degree programs before September 1, 2019 under the following conditions:

  • they achieve an mathematical average of 8.0 or higher for the assessments of study components that belong to the program of examinations, and
  • a grade of 9.0 or higher for the graduation project, and
  • none of the study components belonging to the degree program may have a grade lower than a 6.0.

2. The Examination Committee may award the classification “cum laude” to students who started their degree programs on or after September 1, 2019 under the following conditions:

  • they achieve a weighted mathematical average (based on credits) that is a unrounded 8.0 or higher in relation to the study components takes by students that belong to the program of examinations, with exception of the graduation project,
  • they have a grade of 9.0 or higher for the graduation project, and
  • none of their study components belonging to the program of examinations has a final grade lower than a 6 and
  • they must finish the final examination within 32 months of the commencement of the degree program. The examination committee may deviate from this latter requirement in special cases. To assess the student’s request, the Examination Committee can take into account the extenuating personal circumstances as referred to in Appendix 2, Article 5 of these regulations.