International experience

Master BME and master ME

The information on this page applies to both the master Biomedical Engineering and the master Medical Engineering. Click here if you want to go back to the master ME curriculum page.  

It is possible to go abroad for a part of you program. If you want to follow courses you need to register via Mobility Online. For advice you can contact the International Office from ESA or our departmental International Office (, Jacqueline Hartholt, Gemini Zuid 1.105). If you want to do an internship abroad, you can find more information on the following page: Internships

In case you want to include courses from another university in you program (after discussion and agreement of your graduation professor), you can submit a request to the examinations committee (well in advance).

More information about going abroad can be found on the following page: Exchange programs for studying abroad (

After returning home

After finishing the period abroad submit your Transcript of Records from the host institution at the educational office of BME, in order to add the courses to your results. A copy should be send to the International Office of ESA.

If you received any grants or funds, check the procedures with regard to the settlement of grants or funds.