Elective program

Students have to choose a total of 35 credits of elective courses.  20 credits are meant for specialized elective study components, and are chosen in consultation with the mentor/or graduation professor. 15 credits can be chosen freely.  When choosing elective courses, students must take into account, that the study components that together form the elective programs do not show any major overlap, neither with each other nor with the other study components of the study program.

Below you will find the elective courses offered by the Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry. Courses with subject codes starting with 6EMA00 until 6EMA49 fall within the CPT discipline. Courses with subject codes starting with 6EMA50 until 6EMA99 fall within the MSMC discipline. Courses with subject codes starting with 6EMAC fall within both CPT and MSMC discipline.

The course Advances in Molecular Chemistry, 6EMA61 may not be chosen in combination with the course Advanced Organic Chemistry, 6EMA56 (6EMA56 is no longer taught).

Besides the electives offered by the department of Chemical engineering and chemistry students are free, in consultation with their mentor, to include courses offered by other departments in their specialization program. below you will find a list of recommended courses which are offered by other TU/e departments.

You may also consider taking courses from other universities. These are subject of approval by the examination committee. The following EWUU elective Da Vinci project is already included in the PER: for this module, you do not need the approval of the examination committee.


Name program



Da Vinci Project


Da Vinci is an interdisciplinary & inter-university CBL-project that focusses on innovation while developing the knowledge, skills and attitude of a sustainable changemaker. The projects are especially interesting for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Master students, with tracks focusing on their discipline. Consult the EWUU site for further information.