Students who will start their preparation phase in Q3 of academic year 2023-2024 or later should discard this timeline and follow the timeline of SCOP/e (see Canvas course 2IMR10).

A. Individual study program – Q3
At the end of Q3 of your studies, when you have approximately 40-45 credits you need to hand in your Form 1: Program of Examinations.
This form needs to be signed by the contact person of the research group where you intend to graduate. A list of contact persons can be found here and a list for EE contact persons can be found here.
You are able to make changes to it at a later stage. You will be asked to hand in a definite program (if changes have been made) when you request permission to start your preparation phase. There is one exception to this: for some elements in your program you need explicit permission to include them in your program. For example for taking courses abroad, or at another university or for doing an internship. In case you want to add these elements to your Study Program after your initial Program of Examinations (form 1) has been approved, you will be asked to submit a revised Program of Examinations (form 1) separately instead of including it with your form for the start of the preparation phase.
Submit a signed digital version in PDF to the Examination Committee:
B. Start preparation phase – at least 1 month prior to start
Before you can start your preparation phase you need to ask permission by submitting Form 2: Preparation Graduation Project. This form includes a brief description of your intended research project. The Examination Committee checks if you do not have too many courses left open and reviews your proposal. If there have been changes in you study program you need to also hand in a new Program of Examinations (form 1) together with your form 2. The Examination Committee will not give you permission to start your preparation phase unless you have an approved Program of Examinations.
Have the form(s) signed by your supervisor and sign yourself.
Submit a signed digital version in PDF to the Examination Committee:
C. Start graduation phase – when you pass preparation phase assessment
Your preparation phase ends with an assessment. As soon as you have passed this assessment you can ask permission to start on your graduation project. The Examination Committee checks to see if you do not exceed the maximum number of courses still to be completed. Please note it may take the Examination Committee up to 1 month to process your form.
Your supervisor submits the Form 3: Assessment Preparation Project to the Center for Student Administration:
Read the graduation regulations (Appendix 9b of the Regulations of the Examination Committee).
Fill out your Form 4: Graduation plan.
Submit a signed digital version in PDF to the Examination Committee
D. Prepare graduation assessment – 6 weeks before final assessment
Your graduation supervisor composes the assessment committee by submitting Form 5: Assessment committee form, at the latest 1 month before your final presentation. Without an approved assessment committee, you are not allowed to have your defense and the result will not be processed in Osiris.
While executing your project
Consult the dates of the examination committee meetings and register for one of them at the latest four weeks in advance via Osiris. You can do this by clicking on "Progress" and then "Qualification request". Please select the date of your preference from the list and fill in the date in the Osiris form. Your defense should take place at the latest 2 weeks in advance of the meeting. This means you can do a qualification request before the actual defense has taken place. In the examinations committee meeting, the Examination Committee determines whether or not you qualify for the diploma; you do not attend the meeting yourself.
At the end of your project
Book a room for your presentation, provided all components, apart from the graduation project, of your study program are completed. Book the room for at least 2 hours. After the presentation, only minor corrections in the graduation report can be introduced.
Your supervisor should submit to the student administration:
Your grade with Form 6: Assessment form graduation project .
Your graduation report in a pdf file,
Declaration concerning the TU/e Code of Scientific Conduct for the Masters thesis; filled in and signed by the student. The document can be found at the last page of the assessment form or here.
After you completed your project
Terminate you enrollment: please check this link
(For questions about your enrollment, please contact -
Fill out the graduation survey. You will get an e-mail with the link from the Center for Student Administration.
Attend the graduation ceremony. You will get an email with the invitation from the Center for Student Administration about 2 weeks in advance with the exact timeslot and location.