
When you have fulfilled all requirements for your study program, you will officially graduate from the Industrial Design master program. This is usually after your M22 semester; the semester dedicated to your Final Master Project (FMP).

Please note that as well as passing your FMP assessment, there are some other obligations before you can graduate. You can find more information under Graduation deliverables.

After every semester, CSA-ID will check if you have passed all requirements. The Examination Committee then officially approves the graduates' results in their upcoming meeting. For these steps, no action is required from you. CSA-ID will register you for the examination moment. 

More information about examination requirements and the Cum Laude procedure is available in the Examination Regulations and the Program and Education Regulations. You can find these regulations on the Forms and files page.

Following official approval by the Examination Committee, CSA-ID can request your diploma and create the appendix. Directly after the meeting, all graduates will be processed in the administration. You will receive an email, and the information is also forwarded to DUO.

Finally, you will receive your diploma during our Graduation ceremony. After the ceremony you are graduated! You are officially part of our community of Industrial Design alumni.

Terminate enrollment TU/e and refund of tuition fees

Your enrollment will not be terminated automatically during the academic year. In order to terminate your enrollment before August 31 and receive a refund of your tuition fee, you must submit a request to that effect. A request to terminate enrollment is only important for the refunding of the tuition fee. Please read this ESA information carefully.

Please note: the Education and Student Affairs (ESA) asks you to ‘register for your final examination via the internet’, the date on which the Examination Committee meets. But no action of you is required because the Center for Student Administration (CSA ID) will register you for your final examination.

IDEa alumni association

As a graduated designer, you are warmly invited to IDEa, the Industrial Design Eindhoven alumni association. IDEa is the association for sharing expertise & experiences, create a strong design network and establish a distinct profile of the Eindhoven Industrial Designer. Join at LinkedIn and check their website to stay tuned in to the IDEa activities.

TU/e Alumni Portal

The TU/e has its own Alumni Portal: TU/e In Touch.

It’s the place to easily update your personal (contact)details yourself and gives you access to an inspiring network in which you can find your former fellow students and meet other TU/e alumni.