The E-lab is for education; it facilitates students in building electronic circuits and provides the first level of electronics support for bachelor students. The E-lab is also used for some electives and workshops on electronics.
The E-lab has 14 working places, which can be used by ID students without prior reservation. Each working place is equipped with measuring equipment such as an oscilloscope, function generator, two power supplies, and a soldering iron with fume extraction. Under the name of E-atelier, student assistants from the department of Electrical Engineering, together with a senior staff member, assist ID students. The E-atelier also has a website with electronics information.
The E-lab is available for electronics related activities during office hours (9.00 – 17.00h). If doors are locked, ask staff in / lab (ATL 2.120-125) to open them for you. In regular working weeks help is available in the E-lab from 13.00 to 17.00h and you can buy components through E-Lucid from 13.00 to 15.00h

Study association Lucid is selling electronics components to students from within the E-Lab, under the name of E-lucid. E-lucid is supported by the ID department by means of providing budget for student assistants and sponsored by component supplier RS-components. E-Lucid allows you to buy nearly all products sold by RS-components with 15% discount.
Opening hours
The E-lab is opened from Monday to Friday during working hours.
Technical support and help: available on weekdays from 13:00 until 17:00h.
E-Lucid shop: opened on weekdays from 13:00 until 15:00h.
During holidays different opening hours may be announced.
Location: Atlas 2.201