Curriculum start year 2024-2025

This is the general overview of the Master program Operations Management and Logistics 2024-2025.

Please keep in mind that this program is still subject to change, no rights can be derived.

Additional Requirements

I)  Students need to acquire sufficient knowledge in financing and accounting. This can be obtained by:

  1. Courses obtained during the BSc program: 1CK40 AND one out of three: 1CK80, 1CK90 and 1CK120.*
  2. OR: Adding 1CM270 (1CM22 for cohort 2022 and earlier) to your master program.
  3. OR: A similar course on financial and operational decision making at another university.
    *NB: students are not allowed to use one of the BSc program courses listed under 1 as homologation in the MSc program.

II) Students need to have sufficient knowledge in operations planning and control as well as information systems at the start of the program, as this knowledge is a pre-requisite in some courses. The students missing this knowledge are strongly recommended to follow a homologation course (such as 1CVK00 and 1BVK00) which will consume from the free elective space.

Design your own program

The OML program allows a student in collaboration with the mentor to select an individual focus on operational processes and a variety of research methods. One specific option is the Artificial Intelligence Methods Package.