The pre-master program AI&ES has to be completed (30 ECTS) within the first year, otherwise, the student is not allowed to continue in the master program AI&ES. A student is not allowed in the pre-master program AI&ES for a period of three years.
The study progress requirement does not apply to students who have submitted a request to Education and Student Affairs (ESA) to withdraw before March 1st and who have not re-registered for another pre-master program at TU/e.
Pre-master students receive a written pre-recommendation on their study progress halfway 3rd quarter. This pre-recommendation serves as a warning if the student is making insufficient study progress. At the end of the pre-master year, students receive a binding recommendation for continuation of studies (BSA) relating to their continuation to the master program AI&ES.
The BSA is:
Positive - the student has completed the pre-master program within the set term (one year, max. two semesters). As soon as the pre-master program is successfully completed, the student can start the master program.
Negative - the pre-master student has failed to meet the provisions stated under 1.