

The pre-master students develop the knowledge and skills with respect to expertise areas in the courses and the project. In addition, the pre-master students focus in their project on the integration of the appointed expertise areas into a coherent design process in order to reach a ‘ready for the master level’.


  • Demonstrator (as demonstrated on the demo day)
  • Group report (maximum 5000 words; decide in consultation with your project coach what type of report/number of words suits your project)
  • Individual reflection (maximum 1000 words)

When examiners are in doubt, they could arrange an additional session of 20-30 minutes with the individual students concerned and request the students to bring along:

  • Portfolio (upon request; maximum 3000 words)


You will be assessed by two examiners. One of the examiners is your teacher coach. Both examiners will acquaint themselves with the submitted report/paper. One of your examiners will visit you during the demo day.


There are group and individual criteria, based on the deliverables for the assessment. You can score insufficient in some criteria, as long as the overall topic is scored at least sufficient. You can find the standards per criterion in the Rubrics Booklet on the Forms and files page.

There are a couple of fixed criteria you will be assessed on. Since each coach has another approach and expertise, they can add extra criteria to the assessment. 

The examiners can provide feedback via the Rubrics on Canvas.


You will receive a verdict as a result for the Pre-master project (10 ECTS). The verdict as recorded in Osiris is binding.


In case of a retake (C verdict) have to (based on the feedback of the examiners) redo one of the deliverables.