Fraud includes any behavior or negligence on part of the student that makes it impossible for an examiner to form a correct judgement of his or her knowledge, insight and skills, or that is aimed at intentionally manipulating the examination process.
Types of fraud:
- Exam fraud (e.g., using not-allowed materials during an exam)
- Plagiarism (e.g., taking credit for material that is not your own)
- Scientific fraud (e.g., fabricating data)
When a suspicion of fraud is raised during or after exams or projects, the student receives no grade (yet), and case is handed over to the Examination Committee. If fraud is established, then consequences could be severe with respect to:
The default punishment for first time offenders is:
- Student fails on the entire course (even when plagiarism occurred in a small intermediate assignment)
- Student is excluded from taking the exams of that course for one year
- The misconduct will be entered into the student’s file
The maximum punishment (e.g., for a recidivist):
- Student’s education at TU/e will be terminated
Further information
Further information on the TU/e Rules and Regulations can be found here. Further information on exam fraud and plagiarism, and how to prevent it, can be found in the download.