SFC61 - Contract & Salary Negotiations

Learning objectives: Knowing how to negotiate on your (first) contract and salary. Learning which aspects to take into account when signing your labor contract.

Content: Congratulations, you've found a job! Your employer has invited you for a meeting to discuss the job offer. What are the ins and outs of such a conversation? Do you immediately agree to the offer you receive? Does your contract include a notice period or competition clause? What does the pension scheme look like? And is your salary offer around the market rate? These are all questions that will be addressed during this workshop. You will obtain a better overview of all aspects of your labor contract in the Netherlands while improving your negotiation skills. 

Planning 2023-2024
Q4: 12 June 2024 13:30 - 15:15

Register through Osiris (course code SFC61)

This workshop is part of a cycle of short workshops in the field of Career Development.