Graduation procedure

Graduation procedure

The department of Applied Physics and Science Education is taking part in a pilot to simplify the graduation procedure both for students and staff members. All students of this department, except for students of the Master’s program SE and students with a double diploma program, are taking part in this pilot. For more information about the pilot, please visit this page.

If you are a double diploma student, please follow the standard procedure.

Meeting dates EC AP

In the final stage of the graduation process, the Examination Committee AP (EC AP) will assess whether you can graduate. Below is an overview of the meeting dates of the EC AP. The date on which your file will be assessed depends on the moment your file is complete. You will be informed by e-mail when your file is complete.

EC AP meeting

After the EC AP meeting

You will receive an e-mail with the decision of the EC AP no later than three working days after their meeting.

If you need proof of your diploma before the graduation ceremony (see below), you can request a certificate of achievement from ESA central ( after the EC AP decision is visible in OSIRIS. You can also download an extract of your diploma 3 working days after the EC AP decision is visible in OSIRIS via DUO. The extract is a valid proof of your diploma.

In general, the graduation date on your diploma will be the date of your final exam program activity, not the date of the EC AP meeting.

Graduation ceremony

After you have received the decision of the EC AP, CSA AP will inform you about the graduation ceremony. Once a year in September there is a graduation ceremony during MomenTUm where all bachelor graduates of last academic year receive their bachelor diploma.

If you do not want to attend the graduation ceremony during MomenTUm, please contact CSA AP to make an appointment to pick up your diploma at the CSA AP office in Flux 0.124.

Starting your Master's program

More information about enrollment into a TU/e Master’s program after completing your Bachelor’s program can be found here.

Terminating your enrollment

If you do not wish to start a TU/e Master's program after completing your Bachelor’s program, please make sure to submit your request to terminate your enrollment in time. More information about terminating your enrollment can be found here.