The departments of Applied Physics and Science Education (APSE) and Electrical Engineering (EE) are taking part in a pilot to simplify the graduation process both for students and staff members. All students of these departments, except for students of the Master’s program SE and students with a double diploma program, are taking part in this pilot.
If you already received your bachelor's degree, please note that the process has changed. There is no button in Osiris anymore to request your diploma. Please read the information about the new process carefully.
Once you have obtained the required credits of your study program we will start the graduation process. In this process the Center for Student Administration checks whether your file is complete, and the Examination Committee assesses whether you have met all the requirements to graduate. If you have met these requirements, you will graduate and obtain your diploma. We will guide you through the process. After each step in the arrow diagram below, we will inform you about the status of the process.

Within these carry out certain actions, which will be indicated in boxes:

We’ll guide you through those actions by sending e-mails. So keep an eye on your student inbox.
Step-by-step explanation of the process
- The final stage of your studies
You’re in your final year of your studies and your diploma is on the horizon!
To ensure that you graduate in time and receive your diploma, it is your responsibility to ensure that your study progress overview matches the last study program approved by your Examination Committee.
What if there’s no match with your approved study program or you don’t have an approved study program?
In that case you won’t meet all requirements and will not be able to graduate and receive your diploma.
What do you need to do now?
You must either complete the remaining courses within your approved study program or have your study program (re)approved by the Examination Committee. In the latter case, we urge you to do so within the next two weeks.
As a bachelor's student you can do so via the PlanApp. For an explanation on how this works, please visit the Education Guide page about PlanApp.
As a Master’s student you can use the appropriate form, which can be found on your department’s Education Guide page about graduation (see links below).
- Start of graduation process
Once you have obtained all the required credits in your study program, we will start the graduation process automatically. You will be informed about this via e-mail. We will ask you to check your personal data and we will explain what you can do if something is incorrect.
- Checking you file
The Center for Student Administration will check whether your file is complete. They will check if your study program matches your approved study program and they will check if all necessary documentation is complete. If your file is incomplete, we will inform you by e-mail.
- Assessment of graduation
If your file is complete, the Examination Committee will assess whether you can graduate. You will be informed once this has been checked by the Center for Student Administration of your department. You can find the meeting dates of the Examination Committee on the Education Guide page of your department (see links below).
- Your graduation!
After the meeting of the Examination Committee you will receive an e-mail with their decision.
Postponing your graduation
If you don't want to graduate yet, for example because you wish to graduate with the cum laude classification and want to retake assessments for certain study components to this end, you have to request the Examination Committee to postpone your graduation within one week after the last result of your approved examination program has been published in OSIRIS at the latest. For more information, see the article on “Assessment and results of examination” in the Program and Examination Regulations.
Should there be any further questions, please contact the Center for Student Administration of your department. You can find the e-mail address in Outlook.
Useful links:
General information
Program and Examination Regulations (PER)
Education guide pages on graduation per department:
Bachelor College
Graduate School