Career orientation activities

Career orientation activities department of the Built Environment





The department of the Built Environment organizes several activities to help you with your career orientation. For many career orientation activities you will receive MyFuture points. You need to obtain 7 MyFuture Points to complete your bachelor.


Year  Name activity More information MyFuturepoints
Year 1  Career orientation excursions

Excursions to companies, part of the TU/e Career day and the MyFuture week. 

More information will be published via Canvas 7IBP1BE.

Year 1 Check Your Match event More information will be published via Canvas 7IBP1BE. 0
Year 2 Alumni Night 

Meet and greet with alumni, TU/e campus

More information will be published via Canvas 7IBP2BE.

Year 2 Career orientation excursions 2

Excursions to companies

More information will be published via Canvas 7IBP2BE.

Year 3 Master track week

Learn more about the master's program of the Built Environment

More information will be published via Canvas 7IBP3BE.

Year 3  Master's open day

Learn more about the master's program at TU/e

More information will be published via Canvas 7IBP3BE.

Year 1,2,3 Excursions, workshops and lunch lectures by CHEOPS Check Check



The MyFuture website is the central place for you to start with your career orientation. The website provides a broad ranged overview of career-related activities organized by study associations and other TU/e affiliated parties. These activities range from company visits to skills workshops.