

The elective part of your Bachelor's program consists of 45 credits of electives. Depending on your ambitions, interest and capabilities you could, for example, decide to deepen your knowledge of your major, explore the boundaries between a number of disciplines, study a combination of two majors (possibly to gain two degree certificates) or obtain a second-level teaching qualification for pre-university education.

Requirements of your elective space

Your elective space will be assessed on 2 criteria: sufficient level and overlap courses.
1. Sufficient level
The elective space needs to have a minimum of 30 EC spent on level 2 or level 3 courses of which al least 15 EC must be spent on level 3 courses. The level of each course is mentioned in the PlanApp or in the Osiris Course Catalogue.
2. Overlap
The elective courses you choose are not allowed to have any overlap with our major courses. A list of excluded overlap courses will be made available before the end of this academic year on the education guide.

Additionally, in your choice of electives you will need to consider the necessary prior knowledge requirement for the electives and the timeslot. The Osiris course catalogue and TU/e PlanApp provide useful guidance.
Discuss your options with your student mentor (when you are a 1st year student) or your teacher coach (when you are a 2nd or 3rd year student). Also, visit the annual Check Your Match event, to help you with choosing your electives and to gather information on the electives that suit your interest. 
Should you have any questions regarding your planning, don't hesitate to contact your Academic Advisor