Automotive Technology

Major Automotive Technology 2024-2025

This education guide contains study related information about the major Automotive Technology within the TU/e Bachelor College as well as all kinds of practical study information. The website is updated regularly throughout the academic year.

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You have chosen to study the major Automotive Technology within the TU/e Bachelor College. 

The program consists of a core program and free electives:

Core program
The core courses take up 75% of your bachelor's program Automotive Technolgy, a study that will prepare you for a job as an engineer in automotive technology. During your core program you will also learn what impact technology can have on society. Within each bachelor’s degree program, you will follow two Impact of Technology (ITEC) courses for this purpose.

Free electives
During your studies, you will have a lot of elective space. Approximately 25% of your time you will spend on the subjects you choose. This could be subjects from your own department or from other departments. With your free electives, you can personalize your development as an engineer. Do you want to specialize in a single field? Or would you rather combine several fields of study to develop as broadly as possible? The choice is yours. 


This study aims to bring you up to the level of engineering-science Bachelor as an all-round automotive engineer. To this end the following objectives are central to the study:

  • To give the student a broad knowledge base to enable him/her to accommodate to the subfields of the subject;
  • To provide the student with skills to optimize cooperation in a multidisciplinary team;
  • To prepare the Bachelor student properly for an engineering-science Master in Automotive Technology or related discipline.


Smart mobility has been designated one of the university’s three strategic areas. Automotive is a field that fully complements the technological and societal challenges facing the automotive industry. Future developments in the industry will be geared towards: 

  • Smart mobility: how can smart automotive technology help reduce the number of traffic jams? 
  • Clean vehicles: how can new methods make the car even more fuel-efficient and clean? 

TU/e is collaborating with the international business world on intelligent, productive mobility and transport as well as on safe, clean and efficient vehicles. 


More specifically the Automotive field concerns the following subfields and subjects: 

  • Thinking in terms of systems 
  • Energy supplies and the environment 
  • Vehicle communication 
  • Reduction of traffic jams 
  • Cooperative mobility 
  • Vehicle efficiency 
  • Electric vehicles 
  • Platform electrification 
  • Vehicle optimization 

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