Elective program

Elective program

The elective program of the bachelor program Chemical Engineering and Chemistry (CE&C) includes 45 credits, in which courses can be freely chosen, based on your interests and ambitions. It is possible to choose courses in a specific field or theme, or to build a broader profile by choosing courses in multiple fields. You can choose from all courses that the TU/e Bachelor College offers, even major courses from other bachelor programs. It is also possible to choose for the educational minor(s).

Within TU/e, there are 5 Thematic Learning Area's (TLA's), namely Artifical Intelligence, Energy, Entrepreneurship, Materials, and Sustainability. In a TLA, courses are grouped according to a particular theme, and the courses are offered via different learning paths. If you would like to know more about the TLA's, you can take a look at the flyers on the Bachelor College Elective courses page.

Within the 45 credits of the elective program:

  • A maximum of 15 credits of level 1 (Introductory) courses can be chosen, and
  • A minimum of 15 credits of level 3 (Advanced) courses should be chosen.

Elective courses offered by the CE&C department

The department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry has on offer of ten bachelor level elective courses, namely:

  • Nanomaterials: Chemistry & Fabrication (6BER01; level 1; Introductory)
  • Macro-Organic Chemistry (6BER02; level 3; Advanced)
  • Numerical Methods (6BER03; level 2; Deepening)
  • Topics in Molecules and Materials (6BER04; level 3; Advanced)
  • Physical Chemistry 2 (6BER05; level 3; Advanced)
  • Energy Conversion and Storage (6BER06; level 3; Advanced)
  • Process Dynamics and Control (6BER07; level 3; Advanced)
  • Polymer Chemistry & Technology 2 (6BER08; level 3; Advanced)
  • CBL Process Design (6BER09; level 3; Advanced)
  • Molecular Simulations in CE&C (6BER10; level 3; Advanced)

For more information on the quartile that these courses are offered, and to which departmental profile(s) and TLA('s) they belong to, take a look at the document "Profiles and Themetic Learning Areas at Chemical Engineering and Chemistry" in the Dowloads section.

Elective courses offered by TU/e Bachelor College

The full overview of courses offered by the TU/e Bachelor College can be found in the PlanApp.

Composing your elective program

When choosing the electives for your elective program, pay attention to the following:

  • The required pre-requisite knowledge for the elective course
  • The quartile and timeslot at which the course is scheduled
  • There should not be any overlap with your core courses and between the elective courses themselves. For more information, check the file "Excluded Electives BC 2.0 Chemical Engineering & Chemistry" in the Dowloads section.

The PlanApp and your Academic Advisor may help you in composing your elective program.

Approval of the Examination Committee

After your obtained at least 90 credits, and you have added your elective program to your required exam program, you can submit your proposal for the elective program to the Examination Committee via the PlanApp. The Examination Committee evaluates your proposal for the elective program based on the following criteria:

  • There is no overlap between the core courses and the elective courses, and between the elective courses themselves.
  • There is a maximum of 15 credits of level 1 courses, and a minimum of 15 credits of level 3 courses.

After the Examination Committee approves your proposal for the elective program, your elective program will be fixed. In case you want to make any adjustments, and do not have a diploma request yet, you have to resubmit a new proposal for the elective program to the Examination Committee.

Your Academic Advisor is available for any questions regarding composing your elective program, and can review your elective program before submission to the Examination Committee.


  • Approval or disapproval of your elective program is separate form course registration. Each quarter, you can register for a maximum of four courses at a time.
  • The Examination Committee has to approve if you want to take additional courses outside your exam program. You have to submit a request via your Academic Advisor.
  • Even if your exam program is fixed after approval of the Examination Committee, you can register for other courses. In case you passed these courses, they will be stated as extracurricular courses on your diploma.

More information

Want to know more? Contact us via the contact form below. 
