Industrial Engineering

In the Major Industrial Engineering you follow courses in the field of mathematics, industrial engineering and integration (combination of engineering and business subjects). On average, you will spend half of your time on industrial engineering courses and half of your time on mathematical and integration courses.

Free Electives

Furthermore, a quarter of the Bachelor's program consists of elective courses. These allow you to change the emphasis in your program. You can opt to broaden your knowledge by following courses in a different specialization, or alternatively you can gain more in-depth knowledge in your own specialization. In the first year, you already start filling the elective space of your program. In making these choices you are not dependant on yourself alone. Experienced coaches of the TU/e will guide you from the start until the completion of your studies and help you in composing your elective space.

As an engineer, it is important to be aware of the impact technology has on people and society. During your bachelor's program, you will therefore follow an Impact of Technology program (ITEC)

Professional & Personal Development
We believe it is important that you develop your own professional identity during your studies. You do this by acquiring academic knowledge and course-specific skills, but also by developing self- and social awareness. To help you do this, you will follow a Professional & Personal Development (P&PD) course during your studies.

TU/e ranks 7th in global Industrial Engineering ranking

TU/e holds an impressive 7th place in EduRank’s 2024 ranking. This places TU/e among some of the world’s most renowned institutions.
The complete EduRank ranking

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