External internship

External internship

The 15 credits external internship or the 30 credits external internship offers you the opportunity to develop academic skills in a different working environment. The type and content of this internship will depend on your background and ambitions. The subject and place of the internship needs be chosen in close cooperation with a TU/e internship supervisor.

Generally speaking, students must carry out the external internship outside the TU/e campus and therefore also outside the physical location of the Department Applied Physics, including the location of other TU/e departments or institutes at the TU/e campus. If possible, the external internship is carried out abroad, i.e. outside the Netherlands. When you decide to take the internship abroad, you are allowed to carry out the internship at a research institute, a university or a company.  Within the Netherlands the internship is carried out at a company or at a research institute (not a Dutch University)

A more detailed specification of the requirements regarding the locations for the external internship is described in the Program and Examination Regulations.

Prerequisites and enrollment

You may start your external internship at any time during your studies, however, your study program must have been approved by the Examination Committee (Study Program Committee).

Enrollment takes place via the External internship registration form and Osiris.

To do

Please check the external internship study guide and the assessment protocol for more information regarding the organization of the internship and follow all steps carefully. When you started your internship before 1 september 2021, please contact CSA AP to receive the assesment protocol that concerns you.

Before starting your internship, you must fill in the registration form internship contract. Do not sign your contract until it has been checked.

  • If you use a standard TU/e agreement (e.g. the work place agreement), CSA AP will have your contract signed by the managing director. (So, your responsible Fusion supervisor should not sign contracts)
  • If you use a non-standard TU/e agreement (e.g. research institute, company or university contract) or if modifications have been made to the standard agreement, CSA AP will forward your contract to the education lawyers for a legal check. Then, the education lawyer will make sure you receive the final version of your contract that you can sign.

Please be aware that the process of reviewing, changing and signing a contract can easily take one month. Therefore, fill in the form as soon as possible.

Finalizing the external internship

After the internship is finished, you have to hand in your internship report at the organization/company and your responsible Applied Physics supervisor and give a presentation at TU/e. The responsible Applied Physics supervisor fills out the assessment form and sends in the signed assessment form and your internship report at CSA AP. CSA AP will process your grade. More information can be found in the assessment protocol and the studyguide.