Information sessions

Information sessions

Each academic year, STOOR organizes the BEP, Master and External Traineeship information sessions. The goal of these sessions is to inform students in their bachelor or master program about the above stated events during their studies. How the administration works, when to start and some example projects or tracks. The slides of these presentations can be found on the physstor via \\physstor\stoor\ (you should always be connected to the VPN of the TU/e) or on the canvas page of STOOR.

Students without a TU/e notebook (or with a TU/e notebook they have reinstalled themselves) must indicate that it is a server on the TU/e to be able to reach the presentations. This can be done by using the following path: \\\stoor\.


The Bachelor Final Project (BEP) information session is meant for students who are interested in doing their BEP in the coming year. During this information session, general information about the BEP is covered together with what you have to do to start. After that, all research groups of Applied Physics and Fusion present themselves and give example projects which you, as a bachelor student, can do. The information session is usually during week 8 of Q1. The actual date is always communicated via canvas announcements and social media. For an up-to-date overview of the available projects at the research groups, you can go their webpages on the TU/e website.


The master information session is meant for students who are interested in doing the Master program Applied Physics and/or the Master program Science and Technology of Nuclear Fusion. This means that this information session is in principle for third year Bachelor students and higher. During the first session, usually held in week 8 of Q2, the general layout of the master is covered, how this differs from the Bachelor and what to look out for. Then the Track coordinators cover their respective tracks. For students who have chosen the Applied Physics master, a more in-depth information session is organized in Q4, usually in week 9. This information session treats the master program in more detail and informs students once more about the steps they have to undertake themselves at the start of the program. The exact dates and locations will be announced via canvas announcements and social media.

External Traineeship

The External Traineeship information session is most useful for students who are planning on going on an internship in the coming year, which is usually the case for first or second year master students. To get yourself an external internship you have to start early as this is a timely process! During this information session the general requirements for an external internship is laid out and the steps needed to procure one. The subjects covered vary from the application of a grant to how to get an internship spot. Lastly, there are students who will tell you something about their experience with doing an internship (abroad). The information session is usually during week 8 of Q1. The exact date will be communicated beforehand via canvas announcements and social media.

More information

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