STOOR members

Viktor van Bilsen

Hi everyone, my name is Viktor and I’m a sixth year Applied Physics student. I am an active member at my study association J.D. van der Waals! I was also part of the honors track ‘Competitive Programming and Problem Solving’. In my spare time I like to cook, paint portraits and visit the cinema's around Eindhoven. The reason I wanted to work at STOOR is because I aspire to be a teacher or work in education after I graduate, and hope to learn a lot from the “behind the scenes” you get to see at STOOR.

Annabel van Oijen

Hi, my name is Annabel van Oijen and I have just finished my bachelor's degree in Applied Physics. In my free time I like to dance, sail, play tennis, and do board games. I have been an active member within the study association of Applied Physics "J.D. van der Waals" where I joined several committees. I have decided to take a break from studying by doing a board year at the study association as the Commissioner of Education, which also meant becoming a part of STOOR. My reason for becoming a part of STOOR is that I am motivated to improve and maintain the quality of education within our department and gain new experiences and skills. My goal as chairwoman of STOOR is to support and help my fellow STOOR members as good as I can!

Hanneke van de Sanden

Hi everyone, my name is Hanneke van de Sanden and I’m a sixth-year applied physics student. Besides my applied physics study, I also finished the educational minor at the Eindhoven School of Education, and I’m allowed to teach mathematics to Dutch high school students. Besides my study, I like to play field hockey, board games, and any other sports. My reason to join STOOR was to help improve the quality of our study even more and to have in inside and get some experience with education at our department.

Daan van Uffelen

Hey everyone, my name is Daan van Uffelen and I am a first year Master Applied Physics student in the track Nano, Quantum and Photonics. You might see me in some of your bachelor courses, since I do some tutoring on the side. I like teaching so much that I have combined my master with the Master of Science Education, because I would like to get a degree in teaching next to my studies. I like being active within van der Waals and H.S.A. Confluente and in my other free time I like doing musical, chess, playing videogames with my friends and going to the gym. Since I like teaching and studying so much I also find it important that education is of good quality and hope to contribute to this as a member of STOOR.