During the M21 semester, you have the option to go abroad for an exchange. You will join the education program of one of our partner institutes for a short period. An overview of our partner institutes, you will find on the international relations page.
Perhaps you have discovered an interesting partner institute abroad that offers courses that would help you in developing your expertise areas, professional identity and vision. Or perhaps this institute offers you the best courses to develop the skills that you require for preparing your final master project. In these situations, an exchange might be a good option for your M21 semester.
Next to this option, you will work on your FMP Proposal.
If you want to go abroad for an exchange in your M21 semester, it is important that you start preparing as early as possible, preferably during your M11 semester, as you will need to follow a nomination procedure. This nomination procedure takes more than six months and has strict deadlines. The Exchange Coordinator can inform you about the procedure for your preferred institute.
If you would like to go on an exchange, send a copy of your Preliminary Study Program Form to exchange.id@tue.nl. Also discuss your plans and your top three of intended partner universities you would like to do an exchange at with your mentor.
As you plan to go abroad for your M21 option, check also the Factsheet International Experience on the Forms and files page.
When preparing your exchange program, keep in mind that the workload should equal a minimum of 15 ECTS (=one Quarter full time or 420 hours). Please note that you will receive 15 ECTS at our department for an exchange, even if the exchange program that you will participate in equals a workload of more than 15 ECTS.
The duration of an exchange will be for an entire semester, please check the exact dates of the semester on the partner’s website. Some partners require that you will register for the full 30 ECTS while on exchange to be registered as student at their university.
If you want (or are required) to follow more courses during your exchange and (want to) have more than 15 ECTS accredited for your official exam program, you will need to request permission from the Examination Committee. More information on making requests can be found on the Examination Committee page.
Note that you will need to have passed your DPM120 Project 2 Design Research before you can take part in the examinations of DPM430 Exchange abroad. As the examinations take place at the other institute and you will abroad for the exchange, in general this implies that you need to have passed your DPM120 Project 2 Design Research before you can go on the exchange.
Please use Osiris to register for:
- DPM430 Exchange abroad (15 ECTS)
This abroad option will give you an exemption for one elective for International Experience. You need to register for DPM490 on Osiris to receive this exemption. You also need to register for the FMP Proposal (5 ECTS) on Osiris separately.
The deadlines can be found in the Year Planning on the Forms and files page.
During the exchange, your graduation mentor will have no active role in coaching the learning activity, but can advise you in your professional identity, vision and general development.
For an exchange there will be no Competence Assessment, since you will have the examination for your courses at the other institute.
Processing Results
When you have finished your Exchange, you will need to request the Educational Office of the host institute to send a transcript of records to our educational office (CSA-ID). With this information CSA-ID can process the results for your Exchange. You can find the contact information of CSA-ID on the Contact page.
For DPM430 Exchange abroad you will not receive a verdict.
Instead each course that you have participated in successfully, according to the host institute, and has been awarded with credits, will be noted as ‘DN’ (= Done).
The total of credits cannot be more than 15 ECTS, unless there is an approval from the Examination Committee.