Only students, who started in or after September 2021, who chose to go on an Exchange (15 ECTS) or take master courses at another Department at the TU/e or at another university in the Netherlands (15 ECTS) are able to register for the FMP Proposal (5 ECTS) for quarter 2 or quarter 4.

If you need to redo the FMP Proposal, you can redo the course in quarter 1 or quarter 3.


Within the FMP Proposal, you will explore and define the scope of your Final Master Project (FMP) and will conclude this in your Final Master Project (FMP) proposal. 

You need to describe the focus and boundaries you have set for your FMP in your proposal. This description should include the direction or design/solution space you envision for your project, with a positioning in state-of-the art work; the design process you plan to use (including a plan), how you expect to integrate the (two selected) expertise areas and the design deliverables you have set for your project.


Register for the code:

  • DDPM200 Final Master Project Proposal (5 ECTS)

Coaching and support

The graduation mentor will support you in developing your proposal. We encourage you to involve other experts, clients, stakeholders.

In case of personal circumstances, students need to contact the academic advisor as soon as possible and before the project deadlines.

Collaborating with external parties

During the FMP Proposal (and possibly Final Master Project) you will have the opportunity to work with external parties. You should consult theCollaborating with external parties page for more information.

It is necessary that project/activities are assessed according to TU/e rules. This ensures results are recorded and archived for educational (and assessment) purposes. 

You can contact the internship coordinator for more information on contracts.