Curriculum start year 2024-2025

Innovation Management core courses

The four core courses of the program offer you the theoretical and methodological knowledge and skills you need to further build your own Innovation Management portfolio. The core consists of the following courses:

Managing innovation processes (1ZM16) The innovation management process is complex, which is why this course focuses on the challenges faced and decisions to be made when designing, organizing and managing innovation processes. It covers the most important strategic, tactical and operational decisions and tools that are essential to successfully developing and launching new products, services and processes.

Multivariate statistics (1ZM31). Data are key in understanding and managing the complex innovation process. This course prepares you to function as an effective analyst of business data in both applied and academic settings. To be able to reliably analyze business processes and their outcomes, this course extends prior knowledge on univariate/bivariate analysis techniques to multivariate techniques.

Governing sustainable technology and innovation (0EM210). As technological innovations contribute to economic growth and well-being, it is important to understand how to govern and regulate the innovation process at different levels: global, national, firm.  Understanding the role of policies, property rights, standards and laws is key if one wants to steer technological innovation in a certain direction.

System dynamics (1ZM65). Why is achieving innovation so challenging? This course will help you to develop a holistic understanding of policies and strategies aimed at addressing innovation and sustainability-related matters and to identify the reasons behind their success or, more frequently, their failure in the short or long term. By gaining an understanding of complex systems, you can systematically explore and elucidate new options and strategies. 

This is the general overview of the Master program Innovation Management 2024-2025.

Please keep in mind that this program is still subject to change, no rights can be derived.