Report guidelines

Guidelines report

The graduation report must contain the following elements:

• summary
• definition of the research problem
• a clear description of the methodological aspects of the research
• context of the project in literature
• a clear description of the obtained results
• discussion and interpretation of the results
• conclusions and recommendations
• list of literature references

There are no restrictions with respect to the minimum or maximum length of the report.

The title page of the report must state the following information:

• title (and subtitle) of the graduation project
• surname student (including the initials)
• student IDNR
• research section
• name of the master’s program (Mechanical Engineering)
• names of the thesis supervisor and the other graduation committee members
• year of graduation
• study load (number of EC) of the graduation project
• an indication on whether or not the Master thesis is public information, and in case of a publication embargo the end date of the confidentiality period 
• a statement that the Master’s thesis has been carried out in accordance with the rules of the TU/e Code of Scientific Integrity

Students must include a statement (on the titlepage) that their thesis report was made in accordance with the ‘TU/e Code of Scientific Conduct for the Master thesis’. The statement is as following: “This report was made in accordance with the TU/e Code of Scientific Conduct for the Master thesis”. Students can review the TU/e code of scientific conduct here.