Coaching and Mentoring

Coaching and mentoring

The competence development interview (CDI) is a structured conversation between you and one of the staff of the Fusion master (mentor). It lasts 30 minutes and its purpose is to speak about your development in each of the 7 ACQA competence areas (see downloads below), monitor your progress and, when deemed necessary, adjust your study programme to ensure that you get opportunities to develop yourself in the areas that need attention. It is not a formal assessment, it will not influence your grades. Its only purpose is to steer your development, to make sure you leave university as a broadly developed engineer. That includes the competences directly associated with your domain, but also the more generic academic competences.

In total at least 3 CDI’s should take place during the MSc programme:

  • the first CDI takes place in the first quarter: Please bring the study program form to the interview so this can be discussed
  • the second one must must have taken place before the start of the internship
  • the third one must have taken place before the start of the graduation project.

For the competence development interviews (3 times is a minimum) you will be invited by the Fusion secretariat.

More interviews are allowed. Therefore send an email to

The CDIs are reported in an email with a standard make up. These are shared with you (and the secretariat). 


The person who you will talk to during a CDI is a mentor that you choose at the start of your fusion master. The mentor fulfils the role of an academic coach, and can be your first contact point to approach for specific study-related questions (such as obtaining a graduation project or internship).

Note that the choice of a mentor does not require you to do an internship or graduation project in the mentor’s field. However, some might find it useful if the mentor can advise on project within the mentor’s expertise. A short overview of potential mentors and some of their expertises:

  • Josefine Proll – stellarators, turbulence, transport in plasmas, ...
  • Hugo de Blank – MHD, numerical plasma physics, plasma edge physics, ...
  • MJ Pueschel – turbulence and transport in fusion devices, fundamental turbulence studies, ...
  • Roger Jaspers – Plasma Diagnostics, energetic particles in fusion, alternative concepts, ...
  • Felix Warmer – Stellarator reactor designs, ...

Interesting links