Binding recommendation for continuation of studies (BSA)

Students starting their Bachelor Mechanical Engineering need to meet the BSA requirement of 45 credits out of the possible 60 (PER article 8.5). The BSA is stipulated by the Examination Committee.

Note: students who started their program before 2023-2024 have the additional Basket requirement. Students starting in 2023 or later no longer have this requirement.

The BSA norm

The BSA norm

The BSA norm for students that start their first year for the first time at September 1st 2023 at Mechanical Engineering, is to obtain 45 ECTS out of the 60 ECTS of first year Mechanical Engineering courses. The BSA is determined by the Examination Committee. A custom BSA may be drawn up by the Examination Committee for re-matriculators and switching students.

If you obtain 45 credits or more, you will receive a positive BSA.

If you earn less than 45 credits, you will receive a negative BSA. In this case, you will not be able to study Mechanical Engineering at the TU/e for the next three Academic Years.


After the first semester you will receive a pre-recommendation from the Examination Committee; a preliminary study advice. This recommendation is not binding but gives a confirmation of study success or a first warning in case of insufficient study progress.

Custom BSA-benchmark of 40 credits

The Examination Committee can draw up a custom BSA-benchmark of 40 credits when a course (of which it is not possible to take a re-sit during the current academic year) is completed with an insufficient grade, while the final exam is sufficient (6.0 or higher). Students themselves are responsible for applying for such a custom BSA in case this applies to their situation – the Examination Committee does not set such a BSA norm without a request.

Applying for a postponed BSA

It is of course possible that due to personal circumstances you cannot meet your BSA norm. In certain cases, this means that you can apply for a postponed BSA. It is crucial for this procedure to report your circumstances as soon as possible to the Academic Advisors.

Please read more about reporting personal circumstances and a postponed BSA here.

Did you start your first year at Mechanical Engineering before 1st of September 2023 and have you received a postponed BSA norm?

Then be advised that you have an additional requirement to your BSA norm, related to the four major courses:

  • 4RA00 Mechanics
  • 4DA00 Dynamics
  • 4RA10 Introduction Transport Phenomena
  • 4MA00 Structure and Properties of Materials

You’ll need to obtain at least 10 credits from one of these courses as part of your BSA; but maybe more. Please read the letter from the Examination Committee regarding your new BSA norm carefully or contact an academic advisor.

More information

Want to know more? Contact the Academic Advisors  or via the contact form below.
