Program and Examination Regulations (PER)


The Higher Education and Research Act (Wet op het hoger onderwijs en wetenschappelijk onderzoek) draws a distinction between program and examination regulations and Examination Committee rules and guidelines.

Program and Examination Regulations (PER)

The PER is the program and examination regulations for a program and contains clear and sufficient information about the program, making it the basic document for both students and teachers.

Subjects covered by the PER include:

  • the content of the program and the associated final examinations, the number and sequence of other examinations and the times when these can be taken.
  • How long examination results will be valid.
  • The right of inspection and evaluation [of examinations].    
  • Several other regulations with regard to deadlines and terms and students’ rights.

After the revision of the Bachelor college in 2023, there are 2 PER versions depending on when students started their studies; the version for students who started BEFORE revision and those who started AFTER revision. Make sure to consult the correct document!

More information

Want to know more? Contact the Examination committee via the contact form below.
