Examination Committee IE&IS

Examination Committee IE&IS

The Examination Committee is an independent body that acts within the framework of the law and university regulations, such as the Program and Examination Regulations (PER) and the Regulations of the Examination Committee. The members of the Examination Committee are appointed by the Department Board. The responsibilities of the Examination Committee include a.o. checking if you meet the requirements of graduation,​ assessing your requests (exemptions, study program approvals, retakes, etc.), awarding diplomas, investigating fraud reports and imposing sanctions​, assuring the quality of examination.​

Want to submit a request?

Requests to the Examination Committee can be submitted via Osiris Case (Osiris Zaak), following this procedure:  

  • Check with your academic advisor whether submitting a request to the Examination Committee is the correct course of action;
  • Fill in the request form as completely as possible.
  • Support your request with a reference to the related article from the PER (OER) of your program (under heading Regulations on the page of your program).
  • Add a concise but complete motivation to your request, in which you provide extra information like a statement, course code, etc.. In case the Examination Committee needs additional information, you will receive a notification via Osiris Case or email.

Requests are discussed by the Examination Committee in bi-weekly meetings (which take place in uneven weeks). Requests submitted at least 5 working days before the meeting will be discussed in the meeting. The Examination Committee strives to communicate a decision within one month after receiving a request. If processing your request takes longer than one month, you will be notified e.g. during holiday periods.

Double Diploma programs

If you want to submit a request for an internal double diploma please follow the procedure as described on this page. Do not submit requests for an internal double diploma via Osiris Zaak.


Students may make an appeal to a decision of the Examination committee. Their appeal should be addressed to College of Appeals for Examinations (CBE) of the Eindhoven University of Technology within six weeks after the decision is made.

More information

Want to know more? Contact the examination committee IE&IS via the contact form below or via direct email ieis.examinationcommittee@tue.nl

Please always make sure to include your student ID number and the course code.

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