Free elective courses

You have to choose 15 EC in free electives courses, in consultation with your mentor. These courses can be freely chosen from all TU/e master level courses, including courses from the list of specialization courses S&C. You can also choose courses from other (technical) universities and even from other universities abroad. For courses outside the TU/e, an approval of our Examination Committee is needed.

5 EC of your free electives can be devoted to homologation subjects, offered in the first quartile, to repair possible deficiencies in background knowledge. We strongly advise you to check the information about homologation.

Avoid overlap

When you select courses in your (free) elective space, you need to avoid overlap. The content of any combination of courses in your personal curriculum shouldn’t cover the same topic. In case of doubt, check with the lecturers involved or with your mentor.

Suggestions free elective courses

Students who want to use the individual space to broaden and/or deepen their knowledge in a chosen specialization, are referred to a list with suggested courses for the free elective space. This list can be found under downloads.

Broadening your scope

If you want to broaden your horizon, check out the many other recommendable trainings and certificate programs TU/e has to offer, like study management, career development (4WM10), academic writing courses, entrepreneurship, etc.

The certificate programs each offer a set of courses in a specific subject and offer the possibility to broaden your education. A certificate is provided to students who meet certain requirements. It is often possible to join part of the courses without doing the whole certificate program. For more information, please take a look here.

The TU/e Language Center (TLC) offers courses on academic writing skills. The course Academic Writing Skills (SFC640) can be chosen as a free elective course in your course program (approval of your mentor is required).

Elective courses from other programs

Master Electrical Engineering

Master Computer Science and Engineering


Elective courses can be chosen in the framework of 4TU. After students are formally enrolled in the Master’s program in Systems and Control at the TU/e they will also obtain a secondary enrolment at the TU Delft.

The S&C Master's program at the TU Delft offers courses in addition to the courses offered at the TU/e. Students are allowed to choose free elective courses from the lists of (online) specialization and core courses from the other Master's program, after consultation with the mentor from the home university and after approval by the Examination committee of the home university (in practice only courses in Q3, Q4 or in Q1 of the 2nd year can be selected). Some courses are offered online.

Please note that some courses require physical presence at the organizing university, including for the exams, and that traveling between Eindhoven and Delft takes time.

Below you find the link to the education guides of the S&C program in Delft:

If you have questions about the course registration in Delft, you can contact the Education & Student Affairs (TUD). When passing a course, a transcript of records from the TU Delft should be requested. Students can submit this transcript to the examination committee who will register the result of the course in Osiris.