
In this Master program, students start with different Bachelor profiles. As a result, there is a difference in knowledge and skills in certain areas. In order to give every student the opportunity to prepare themselves in the areas needed, homologation courses are offered during the first quartile.

Depending on your background it is strongly advised to attend one or more of these courses, which cover essential knowledge for the corresponding master course. The table (see downloads ‘Homologation S&C) gives an overview of the homologation courses offered, the courses for which they prepare and target groups that are expected to have a deficiency for the corresponding core course. 

Homologation: regulations and restrictions

  • Homologation courses can be chosen as part of your course program as ‘free electives’. It is also possible to take the homologation courses as extra course.
  • Like all courses the homologation courses as part of your course program will be subject to approval by the examination committee. If you don’t belong to one of the target groups, a motivation will be asked.
  • The total of homologation and other bachelor courses may not exceed 15 EC.