Systems and Control

Education Guide to the master's program of Systems and Control

Welcome to the online Education Guide of the Systems and Control (S&C) master's program.

12 September 2023) the specialization meeting of the Master’s program S&C will take place on campus in 'Filmzaal - Zwarte doos'. During this meeting, all sections involved in this Master’s program will present themselves. More details about this afternoon can be found in the Canvas folder 4INFOSC

This Education Guide is meant for students primarily. It contains information on the structure and the organizational aspects of the program. You can use it as a guide throughout your entire master’s program. All aspects of the program will be explained in detail.

The information on these pages applies to the academic year of 2024-2025, unless stated otherwise. 

Additionally, all students are added to the CANVAS page 4INFOSC. This is the communication channel for all students of the educational program Systems and Control. Via announcements you receive important information, messages and updates about our education. To make sure you don't miss any announcements, it's important that you turn on the notifications for the announcements. If you still need to complete courses of the bachelor program, or take pre-master courses, we advise you to also sign up in Osiris for these other 4INFO-channels yourself, by choosing the relevant year and course code.


Within the department of Mechanical Engineering a Master Allocation Procedure is implemented to assign students to the sections of this department. Since the Mechanical Engineering department coordinates the master’s program S&C and different sections from the Mechanical Engineering department are involved in the S&C master’s program, this allocation procedure will (in) directly affect students who would like to perform their thesis work in one of the S&C sections.

Two departments:
The master’s program Systems and Control is an interdepartmental effort of two departments of the TU/e:

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering

Directly to

More information

Want to know more? Contact at +31 40 - 247 6154 or via the contact form below.