SensUs Organization

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Before you start reading the information below, first check the SensUs After movie of our latest event.


SensUs is the international student competition on sensors for health, founded and organized by students like you. Every year the competition challenges teams from all over the globe to develop innovative sensor solutions. By involving students, industry, and health partners, SensUs accelerates the development of sensors for better healthcare.

What will you do?

In the SensUs Organization track, you will design and organize the next edition of SensUs, the international student competition in the field of Sensors for Health ( SensUs is organized by students like you, for students around the world. We are not the ones who participate in the competition, we are the ones who organize it!

Students who join the SensUs track design their own learning path, to learn skills that are important for you as a person, and for you as a future professional. You can learn about communication and leadership, presentation, design, technology, financials, planning, innovation cycles, teamwork, networking, etc. You can join different departments (Chairs&Co, Events, Technology, PR, External relations) and different projects (digital, jury, recruitment, highschools).

At the end of the year, you will be surprised by what you have achieved and how you have grown, both as a person and as a professional. In this track, we all become entrepreneurs who know how to collaborate and how to have impact in the world. It is an unforgettable experience that you gain by working together in a group of ambitious students with international orientation!

Do you want to be in the driver’s seat for organizing a large international competition? Do you want to be part of a team of motivated entrepreneurial students, who collaborate with partners from all over the world? Then join the SensUs Organization! We would like to welcome you to our team!

Learning goals

  • You will define your own learning goals and design your own learning path.
  • You can learn about communication and leadership, international orientation, design, presentations, technological innovation, financials, planning skills, time management, priority setting, how to realize innovation cycles, engaging external stakeholders, giving and receiving feedback, etc.
  • You choose what you want to learn and summarize it in a personal development plan.
  • You will be supported by the Organization and by the track coordinator who will be your coach.

How to apply? 

If you are interested in joining the SensUs Organization, please apply by using the link below.
If you have any questions, please see our website for more information or email us at

Apply here (link will be added later)               More information

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