Student Wellbeing

Your well-being as an Honors student


As a Honors student you are dealing with challenging combination of priorities. Your Honors work can be very rewarding, but sometimes also very time-consuming. It is very important to communicate the priorities the Honors Academy sees for you as a Honors student in the academic sphere: 

  1. Your health and well-being
  2. Your regular Master program
  3. Your Honors program

As you can see, the Honors program is only third on the list of your academic priorities. Participating in the Honors Program is an extracurricular activity. The workload should come on top of your regular program and should not have a negative impact on your health and well-being. 

We advise you to regularly take a moment to reflect on the current order of your academic priorities. Is it the same as the order mentioned above? If your participation in the Honors program is at the expense of your health or well-being, your regular Master program or both, it is strongly advised to contact your academic advisor. He or she can help you or will refer you to someone else who can. 

Academic Advisors

Here you can find the list of academic advisors.

Interesting training and workshops offered by TU/e

The TU/e offers trainings and workshops that can help you in managing your study and Honors and your wellbeing. Check this page for interesting trainings regarding study management and personal development organized by ESA.

Interesting Canvas pages

Online studying can be a struggle. Check this canvas page for useful tips to help you to make it work.

Well-being activities organized by the university

Update: June 2022

All TU/e students have free access to the online wellbeing course platform offered by Gezondeboel. This way, students can master their mental health anonymously and by themself. Using the online programs in Gezondeboel, students can make progress in several areas of mental health and study skills that affect mental health. Think about programs such as: ‘Fear of failure’, ‘Loneliness’, ‘Self-compassion', ‘Planning & Structure’ and ‘Living in a different culture’. A large part of the programs are also available in English.