Participating in the notebook regulation

How do I participate?

In order to participate in the notebook scheme, the following is required:

  • Indicate that you would like to participate in the notebook scheme when you are finishing your TU/e enrollment. (you will be invited for this in an e-mail)
    • You will be informed about this in a timely manner
    • Do this before August 1
  • Your contribution should be paid by August 10 at the latest. You'll receive an Accept-email to transfer the funds after you've ordered the notebook. 
  • Your enrollment should be fully completed.
  • You will receive an invitation to collect your notebook a week prior to the collection date at the latest. This invitation will state whether you need to make additional arrangements before collecting your notebook, and if so, what you need to do.

Notebook distribution

You can collect your notebook from TU/e one week prior to the start of the academic year. Notebooks for the 2024-2025 academic year will be distributed on Thursday August 29. You will receive an invitation by e-mail to collect your notebook. A message will be sent to you before this date containing your username and password with which you can log onto the TU/e network.

All students are expected to collect their notebooks in person. Please keep the aformentioned date free. However, should this prove impossible on the collection date, you can authorize someone else to collect your notebook on your behalf.

 In order to authorize someone else to collect your notebook, you need to:

  • Print out the authorization form.
  • Complete and sign the authorization form (available for download on this page from 15th of august).
  • The authorized person arrives at the time indicated on the invitation.
  • The authorized person submits the authorization form and photocopies of their and the student’s proof of identity (the original ID of the authorized person should also be presented). The form is checked against the proof of identification before the authorized person signs the relevant contracts and collects the notebook.

Impression notebook event

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